Monday, November 1, 2010

Snow White and a Stinker

Last year, he had not developed his free will.  He was only 16 days old! And the cutest banana EVER.
Turns out, it only takes 381 days to fully develop.  He flat refused to wear his skunk costume. Period.  A single outing to Picture People wearing it was all he had in him.  Not sure if he felt undignified or insulted or just HOT.  Regardless, we had to go with plan B.  Enter devil horns (which, by the by I had left over in great quantities from his father's 40th birthday bash last September.  I know, I know... one more topic for him to discuss in therapy one day.)

So, Snow White and I joined the neighbors for the annual hay ride Trick or Treat!

She wasn't bashful or nervous. She followed the lead of the bigger kids and she had a great time!
I have always loved Halloween but I love it even more, now.

Peace out!


Peggy Rice said...

I must say I think you are the coolest mom on the block!!

Colette said...

Can you really blame him for not wanting to be a stinky skunk...he seems to agree the devil horns suit him more :)