Monday, December 20, 2010
Two for two
Pictured above: Two Codina angels not giving a Ho-Ho-hoot for Santa.
PS- I have no idea what happened to Santa's nose.
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I don't want to kiss him
You all remember what a HUGE fan of Santa Campbell is, right? Well if you need a reminder look at this.
Hilarious and mean, I know. But Hootie says, "rude things are often funny." This is one of those times, if you ask me.
This year we had tons of reminders that Santa was coming to school for pictures and some non-mall knee time with the Big Guy. I was really doing my best to sell it to Campbell. We made a list. We talked about what she would say to him, what he looks like, the beard, etc., etc., and etc.. [Side bar: don't the double periods at the end of that sentence just kill you? Good. Me, too.]
Santa day came and I dressed her pretty cute, but not over the top because I know the Diva, and I knew odds were WAY LOW that she would even make eye contact with The Man in Red, much less pose for a photo op.
Well, class, call it mother's intuition or raising the diva of all divas... But, this is how it went down.
Me: Miss Priss, how did it go with Santa today?
C: It didn't
Me: Why not?
C: Mommy, you know do I don't like THAT guy.
Me: Campbell, it is not some "guy" it is SANTA. He is in charge of alllll the presents at Christmas.
C:Not ALL the presents... I bet Grita buys me a present. I'll tell Grita I want a princess puzzle.
And, I don't like candy canes, anyway.
Campbell shares the love of non-stop Christmas carols with her Grita. So, this morning on the way to school she requested Christmas music. I had my mind on what was ahead for the day not really listening to the music when she says to me:
Mommy, I don't want to kiss him.
Me: Kiss who?
C: You can kiss him if you want to, but not me.
On the radio: Jackson Five's version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus."
This kid is too much!
Hilarious and mean, I know. But Hootie says, "rude things are often funny." This is one of those times, if you ask me.
This year we had tons of reminders that Santa was coming to school for pictures and some non-mall knee time with the Big Guy. I was really doing my best to sell it to Campbell. We made a list. We talked about what she would say to him, what he looks like, the beard, etc., etc., and etc.. [Side bar: don't the double periods at the end of that sentence just kill you? Good. Me, too.]
Santa day came and I dressed her pretty cute, but not over the top because I know the Diva, and I knew odds were WAY LOW that she would even make eye contact with The Man in Red, much less pose for a photo op.
Well, class, call it mother's intuition or raising the diva of all divas... But, this is how it went down.
Me: Miss Priss, how did it go with Santa today?
C: It didn't
Me: Why not?
C: Mommy, you know do I don't like THAT guy.
Me: Campbell, it is not some "guy" it is SANTA. He is in charge of alllll the presents at Christmas.
And, I don't like candy canes, anyway.
Campbell shares the love of non-stop Christmas carols with her Grita. So, this morning on the way to school she requested Christmas music. I had my mind on what was ahead for the day not really listening to the music when she says to me:
Mommy, I don't want to kiss him.
Me: Kiss who?
C: You can kiss him if you want to, but not me.
On the radio: Jackson Five's version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus."
This kid is too much!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
It's late and I've had wine
First let me just say that I do not understand homework for babies! What is that?? Whatever. I can craft when I have to- but I really prefer when Grita and Hootie are left to the actual "doing" and I can just stand by and supervise... er, boss them.
Anyway, it is Thanksgiving. Blah blah blah. We are putting pennies in the penny pail at school for needy families. We are donating cans of food to the grocery carts for needy families. And now, turns out... we are doing homework so that we can transform our children into Pilgrims.
Diva asks: Mommy what is a pilgrim?
Diva: MOMMY! I said, what is a pilgrim.
Me: I know. I was thinking.
Diva: Well, what do you fink?
Me: I fink i need a drink. (No, i did not really say that! She would totally rat me out at school if I said that.) They were the first people to come to America.
Diva: Did they say the Pledge of Allegiance?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? SHE IS 3 and a HALF!!!!!
Me: No, I don't think the pledge was around back then.
Diva: Why are we making a hat out of paper?
Me: Good question. And it is a bonnet, if you please.
Please note the Princess stickers in picture #2. I feel certain that if the pilgrim women would have had access to princess stickers they would have adorned their bonnets with such. And, as I said before, I've had wine. I am sure that these pictures will come back to haunt me!
Peggy, I can hear you laughing! Happy Birthday, Love!
Peace out from the Pilgrims of Leander!
Anyway, it is Thanksgiving. Blah blah blah. We are putting pennies in the penny pail at school for needy families. We are donating cans of food to the grocery carts for needy families. And now, turns out... we are doing homework so that we can transform our children into Pilgrims.
Diva asks: Mommy what is a pilgrim?
Diva: MOMMY! I said, what is a pilgrim.
Me: I know. I was thinking.
Diva: Well, what do you fink?
Me: I fink i need a drink. (No, i did not really say that! She would totally rat me out at school if I said that.) They were the first people to come to America.
Diva: Did they say the Pledge of Allegiance?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? SHE IS 3 and a HALF!!!!!
Me: No, I don't think the pledge was around back then.
Diva: Why are we making a hat out of paper?
Me: Good question. And it is a bonnet, if you please.
Please note the Princess stickers in picture #2. I feel certain that if the pilgrim women would have had access to princess stickers they would have adorned their bonnets with such. And, as I said before, I've had wine. I am sure that these pictures will come back to haunt me!
At least Campbell participated in her homework. The Bean had long since been in bed when I took on this little project. The instructions said to make his pilgrim hat out of paper, too. As IF!! He would have torn that thing to shreds in less that 30 seconds. We went with a solo cup and some spray paint. Like I said, I can craft when necessary!
Peace out from the Pilgrims of Leander!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Growing up
~A couple of weeks ago~
Campbell: Mommy, I fink I am going to have a baby in my tummy.
Me: Someday, I bet you will.
C: When?
Me: Go ask your daddy.
C: Daddy, when can I have a baby in my tummy?
Alan: When your 26. (I thought he would say something like 40!! or over my dead body)
C: Mommy, 26 is a long time after 4 isn't it?
Me: Yes. (Thank goodness!!)
~This morning on the way to school~
C: Mommy, how do dogs get to people?
Me: Remember how we went and picked up Ripley at Miss Laura's house?
C: (Disgusted) No, how do they grow up to people?
Me: They don't. They grow up into dogs.
C: (Even more disgusted) No. Do dogs come out of people's tummies?
Me: No, puppies come out of Mommy dogs' tummies?
C: What about cows?
Me: Baby cows come from Mommy cows' tummies?
C: So it has to be a match?
Me: Right
Long pause of silence from the back seat.
C: Like me and you?
Me: Right
But now I can practically see the wheels turning in her head...
C: Well, then... what about Stratty? He is not a match.
Me: Sure he is. It is a people match.
C: Hmmm. More silence. Well, how did he get in there?
Me: It's called science. And you will learn all about it when you are a little older.
C: How old? When I am 5?
Me: Maybe
C: Can we paint after school today?
Heavy conversation for 7:00a. I wonder what they talk about when Alan takes them to school!
Peace out!
Campbell: Mommy, I fink I am going to have a baby in my tummy.
Me: Someday, I bet you will.
C: When?
Me: Go ask your daddy.
C: Daddy, when can I have a baby in my tummy?
Alan: When your 26. (I thought he would say something like 40!! or over my dead body)
C: Mommy, 26 is a long time after 4 isn't it?
Me: Yes. (Thank goodness!!)
~This morning on the way to school~
C: Mommy, how do dogs get to people?
Me: Remember how we went and picked up Ripley at Miss Laura's house?
C: (Disgusted) No, how do they grow up to people?
Me: They don't. They grow up into dogs.
C: (Even more disgusted) No. Do dogs come out of people's tummies?
Me: No, puppies come out of Mommy dogs' tummies?
C: What about cows?
Me: Baby cows come from Mommy cows' tummies?
C: So it has to be a match?
Me: Right
Long pause of silence from the back seat.
C: Like me and you?
Me: Right
But now I can practically see the wheels turning in her head...
C: Well, then... what about Stratty? He is not a match.
Me: Sure he is. It is a people match.
C: Hmmm. More silence. Well, how did he get in there?
Me: It's called science. And you will learn all about it when you are a little older.
C: How old? When I am 5?
Me: Maybe
C: Can we paint after school today?
Heavy conversation for 7:00a. I wonder what they talk about when Alan takes them to school!
Peace out!
Monday, November 8, 2010
It's a dog's life
What can I say?
I am a glutton for punishment? Perhaps. But I still couldn't get over the B+ I earned for Stratton's birthday party ... and the lame train and lack of tracks that we gave him as a gift. That, and the fact that this little guy was seriously CUTE!
So, Believe It or Not we have a puppy in the house. His name is Ripley and he couldn't be cuter if he tried. Well, he could be a little cuter if he whimpered less during the night.
Peace out from Leander
I am a glutton for punishment? Perhaps. But I still couldn't get over the B+ I earned for Stratton's birthday party ... and the lame train and lack of tracks that we gave him as a gift. That, and the fact that this little guy was seriously CUTE!
So, Believe It or Not we have a puppy in the house. His name is Ripley and he couldn't be cuter if he tried. Well, he could be a little cuter if he whimpered less during the night.
Peace out from Leander
Monday, November 1, 2010
Snow White and a Stinker
Last year, he had not developed his free will. He was only 16 days old! And the cutest banana EVER.
Turns out, it only takes 381 days to fully develop. He flat refused to wear his skunk costume. Period. A single outing to Picture People wearing it was all he had in him. Not sure if he felt undignified or insulted or just HOT. Regardless, we had to go with plan B. Enter devil horns (which, by the by I had left over in great quantities from his father's 40th birthday bash last September. I know, I know... one more topic for him to discuss in therapy one day.)
She wasn't bashful or nervous. She followed the lead of the bigger kids and she had a great time!
Peace out!
Turns out, it only takes 381 days to fully develop. He flat refused to wear his skunk costume. Period. A single outing to Picture People wearing it was all he had in him. Not sure if he felt undignified or insulted or just HOT. Regardless, we had to go with plan B. Enter devil horns (which, by the by I had left over in great quantities from his father's 40th birthday bash last September. I know, I know... one more topic for him to discuss in therapy one day.)
She wasn't bashful or nervous. She followed the lead of the bigger kids and she had a great time!
I have always loved Halloween but I love it even more, now.
Peace out!
Blair Witch?
Sometimes I let Campbell take pictures with my camera.
It is interesting to see what the world looks like from the perspective of a 3 1/2 year old.
Sometimes, she gets a less than flattering shot. And sometimes that shot is of herself.
It is interesting to see what the world looks like from the perspective of a 3 1/2 year old.
Sometimes, she gets a less than flattering shot. And sometimes that shot is of herself.
Whahhhh Ahhhh Ahhhh!!
Numero Uno
We've gone from this
To this
And, while he is not allowed to play any position on the football team except maybe kicker, he sure looks cute in his gear!!
Oh, but he IS allowed to date cheerleaders
Then, I put on a peep show
See? I am much happier now that my cleavage and bra are showing!
As you can tell, Opal nor Stratty could care less about the football hold I've got him in or the darling pants he just recieved.
It's not officially a party without cake.
I was feeling pretty confident when I asked Hootie for my post party grade. Keep in mind, she teaches Junior High... She said, and I quote:
There were no balloons.
There were no candles on the cake.
I will give you a B+. (and then she cackled!!)
Hmmm. Is that B+ for "Birthday Boy" or "B#@*&" ?
We had a great time!! Thanks for sharing in the special celebration for the Bean!
Happy Birthday, little boy!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A lovely little story
A month is a long time to go without sharing. Plus I need to make some room on my memory card in my camera...
Later, we happened upon another cowboy, though much taller than Cash
I went to Pleasanton to celebrate my 30th birthday
I hung out with my best peeps (please excuse my lazy eyes...?)
We went to dinner
Alan wore my Mom's blue reading glasses and Heather made fun of him
Cash and Kay shared a bottle of wine
Later, we happened upon another cowboy, though much taller than Cash
And some rogue cattle that needed tending to...
so I did
Before we knew it we were surrounded by cows with really long horns
Seriously... there were LOTS of horns
So we decided to Hook Em out of there.
The End
Already time for another
My birthday came and went. One of my stresses, i mean treats was taking Stratton for his first haircut.
Translation: I was tired of all the crap I was taking from everyone. I thought his hair looked perfectly masculine.

His Dad and PawPaw did not agree. And, the truth is I knew if I did not participate I would end up missing the event all together.
So we made another trip to good ole Fantastic Sam's in Pleasanton. I am pleased to report that this experience was MUCH more enjoyable. Remember this little incident?? Well... not The Bean.
He almost slept through the whole thing.
And since I have been slacking on the blog, Stratton is already due for another haircut! I am betting they all are!
Peace & Love from Leander!
Translation: I was tired of all the crap I was taking from everyone. I thought his hair looked perfectly masculine.
His Dad and PawPaw did not agree. And, the truth is I knew if I did not participate I would end up missing the event all together.
So we made another trip to good ole Fantastic Sam's in Pleasanton. I am pleased to report that this experience was MUCH more enjoyable. Remember this little incident?? Well... not The Bean.
He almost slept through the whole thing.
And since I have been slacking on the blog, Stratton is already due for another haircut! I am betting they all are!
Peace & Love from Leander!
Musings of a Diva
What does lenient mean?
What does curious mean?
Why is brocolli green?
Why is Sratty (no T present) crying?
I miss my Grita.
What does curious mean?
Why is brocolli green?
Why is Sratty (no T present) crying?
I miss my Grita.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Don't you just love the hair?
Yes, I am going to cut it! But there is no definite time frame for that blessed event.
This is the best age- the kids', that is... not mine.
Just today, Haylie said to me regarding one of her besties and me getting ditched by her and Dayce on my birthday weekend for a better offer, "Well you only turn 18 once." To which I replied that I will be celebrating my 2nd 18th birthday this very weekend. Dammit. And, if you don't mind.
36 is not near as glamorous as say 26 or even 31. In fact, I think I may start saying I am 45 so people will tell me how good I look for my age.
Back to the kids and their great ages. The Bean will be ONE next month!! Where did the time go? And where did all this hair come from all of a sudden? As you can see we are trying the same break 'em in early strategy.
We go here a lot...
And eat a lot of this.
It worked with Campbell (10 weeks old!! And sitting in the same chair. I think the only difference is that today my hair is a little shorter and hers is a little longer. Oh, and there is a lot more drinking on my part because they are kicking my 36, er ALMOST 36, year old ass!)
It remains to be seen if it will work with the Bean. Odds are not in my favor- he is a boy after all.
I am starting to crave a margarita, no?
Peace out from Leander- it's Wine Monday, here.
This is the best age- the kids', that is... not mine.
Just today, Haylie said to me regarding one of her besties and me getting ditched by her and Dayce on my birthday weekend for a better offer, "Well you only turn 18 once." To which I replied that I will be celebrating my 2nd 18th birthday this very weekend. Dammit. And, if you don't mind.
36 is not near as glamorous as say 26 or even 31. In fact, I think I may start saying I am 45 so people will tell me how good I look for my age.
Back to the kids and their great ages. The Bean will be ONE next month!! Where did the time go? And where did all this hair come from all of a sudden? As you can see we are trying the same break 'em in early strategy.
We go here a lot...
And eat a lot of this.
It worked with Campbell (10 weeks old!! And sitting in the same chair. I think the only difference is that today my hair is a little shorter and hers is a little longer. Oh, and there is a lot more drinking on my part because they are kicking my 36, er ALMOST 36, year old ass!)
It remains to be seen if it will work with the Bean. Odds are not in my favor- he is a boy after all.
I am starting to crave a margarita, no?
Peace out from Leander- it's Wine Monday, here.
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